Meditation Can Help bring Calmness and Develop a Positive Attitude for you

Source is the creator of all things; the universe in its entire spender is perfect and does what source intended for it to do in the ways that source intended. The good news is that regardless of where you are in life, regardless of your occupation or your station, God made you in his image, and the lord does not make junk. You are a unique human being. The world has never seen and will never see the likes of you again. You were born to bless others. But first it starts with you.

We all know that positive thinking and being optimistic about life is better for us than being a bad-tempered unhappy person; it’s better for our health, and optimists generally have a happier time of it… but saying and doing are very different things, aren’t they?!

It’s not as though just sitting there saying, “Oh, everything will be fine!” is enough to actually change the thoughts in your head which are probably closer to, “What if I fail? What if it all goes wrong? What if he thinks I’m boring? What if she doesn’t like me? What if something awful happens?”

And you’ve probably already come across the idea of positive affirmations…

They may well have their place in an attempt to think positively. But can just telling your-self in the mirror each morning, “I am more than I appear to be, all the world’s strength and power lies within me” really change anything all by itself? In reality, no.

It’s true that positive affirmations like this can be helpful as part of an overall strategy, and whether or not we really believe them, simply hearing them often enough can begin to shift the focus of how we feel and think, but there are definitely more efficient ways to create a positive and productive outlook on life but combining it with Meditation is one of the most effective ways.

So how can Meditation help to create and maintain a positive mental attitude?

By counteracting the things that create and maintain negative, pessimistic attitudes!

The biggest contributor to a negative attitude is negative self-talk.

We often spend so much time and energy doing ourselves down, criticising and complaining, that there’s no room left for positive thoughts!

If you imagine the thoughts that busily rampage through your mind most of the time… aren’t many of them to do with how stupid you are, what a mess you always make of things, how awful the world is, how things never turn out right, how difficult it is going to be to solve the problems you’re dealing with…

So one of the fundamental things that Meditation can do is to slow down our thoughts, clear our minds and give them some quiet breathing space. Then proceed to fill that space with calm, relaxing, positive images and thoughts.

One of the core aspects of almost all meditation sessions or recordings is the development of calmness, relaxation and confidence…

Think about it – if you feel calm, relaxed and confident, how can you possibly feel negative, anxious or worried at the same time?

Even the simplest of meditation sessions will help to create this feeling of calmness, relaxation and confidence. Programming yourself in this way at the beginning of each day or last thing before sleep will help you maintain a calm, confident and unruffled approach towards whatever life might throw at you…

Somehow things that would normally bother you just don’t bother you as much as they have before. Things that have worried you just don’t worry you as much as before. People don’t annoy or upset you as much as before. And the more this happens, the easier it is to be positive and relaxed about life in general.

So what’s to lose? Why not give it a try, and discover the positive mental attitude  and calmness that meditation can bring to your life?

Whenever you practice meditation you will recognize benefits on some level.  The size of the benefits will always be in direct proportion to the amount of time and regularity of your meditation practice. If you practice meditation for at least 20 minutes every day, you will discover life changing
benefits on many levels. Some of these benefits will include…

A significant reduction of stress in your life

A greater sense of calm and peacefulness

More clarity of thought

Greater self-confidence and improved self-esteem

A sense of physical, mental & emotional wellbeing

Better sleep

More physical energy

Increased motivation

Improvements in general health

Assistance in the treatment of illness and disease

Meditation can even help you lose weight, cure skin conditions and improve your eye sight!

Clinical research over the past two decades has now proved that meditation is not only an ancient spiritual practice but a powerful healing tool that with regular practice can significantly improve  every aspect of your life.

Once you find the meditation that is perfect for you, you will not only marvel at the difference it makes in your life, on so many levels, you will fall in love with the experience.


If you do not already have one, take some time  to create a Meditation space for yourself.

In designing your space, consider your senses.

Sight – Light is important. It should not be too bright.
Natural light during the day and dim lamp or candle
light is great at night.

Sound – A CD player for playing relaxing music is
a fantastic addition to any Meditation space.

Smell – Relaxing oils and a burner, subtle incense or
even perfumed fresh flowers are great.

Taste – In this case we will refer to your personal
tastes rather than your tongue! Your meditation area
should feel welcoming and attractive to you
so placing decorative items that appeal to you
and make you feel good is very helpful.

Touch- You will need to be comfortable so a chair or cushions with soft fabrics to sit on.

When you make meditation a habit in your daily life, you do not only benefit from meditation during and immediately after meditating.

The wonderful mental, emotional and physical benefits spill over into every other moment in your life.

In general, people who meditate regularly are…
Less stressed
Have better skin
Have more energy
Sleep better
Are more creative
And do much more!
It doesn’t matter what your religious or spiritual beliefs, nor your age or cultural background, you will benefit from the practice of meditation.

These are a few style of meditation to consider, and there are many more out there that may suit your needs.

Affirmation Meditation                Muscle Relaxation Techniques

Meditation for Kids                       Guided Visualization

Creative Imagery                            Zen Meditation

Concentrative Meditation            Prenatal Meditation

Movement Meditation                  Breath Meditation.

Juice Recipes for Energy  – Veggie Vroom

4 Carrots

1 apple

3 Stalks of celery

1 Handful of spinach

1/4 cup of fresh parsley

Parsley is quite powerful and must always be combined with other juices. Use only tiny amounts at any given time. Parsley is rich in vitamin C and is known as a general stimulant for the body. Celery juice is a great neural tonic and overall body builder. It can help with muscle exhaustion. This juice is good for healthy hair and skin too.

4 comments on “Meditation Can Help bring Calmness and Develop a Positive Attitude for you

  1. Very Inspiring and I will definitely try the juice.


  2. I have started Juicing a couple weeks ago and I must say that is one of the greatest choices I made.


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